Friday, April 3, 2015

I LOVE Easter! Everything is so full of life. Birds begin to sing again. Trees are blooming. Nature is shaking off the trappings of winter and soaking in the warmth and sunshine. It's just beautiful. Everything is so fresh and new.

As a person who has been transformed by the power of the Gospel, it is a timely reminder that the Gospel promises new life.

This new life comes in two stages-first, through our justification, and second, through our glorification.

The moment we repent of our sin and trust Christ's atoning work of salvation, we are made new. Transformed by His life, death, and resurrection into a new creation. We are giving a fresh chance to live. We are born again. This justification is reason to rejoice!

I have a huge chalkboard in my entryway. I try to keep Scripture verses on it to encourage my family and to surround them with the truth of God's Word. For the past two Easter seasons I have written:
                    "Behold I am making all things new!"   Revelation 21:5b

This season lends itself to focus and meditation on the New Creation. On Christ's finishing work that will come at His return. On longing for Christ to make all things right. On Heaven.

On God's sovereign power.

Life and this world are not spinning in some uncontrolled, chaotic state of existence. We are not on our own to figure all of this out. The Father has a plan. A beautiful plan that includes the restoration and glorification of people who believe His true Gospel and of the natural world. Things will be made right again.

So rejoice today! God is going to make all things new!

And as Easter Sunday approaches, believe the Gospel. Repent of your sin and trust in Jesus' atoning sacrifice for you. It is urgent! And it is beautiful!

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